Anti-Spam Policy


Welcome to Tech Adnet's Anti-Spam Policy. We are committed to maintaining a digital environment free from unsolicited and intrusive messages, recognizing the importance of respecting your inbox and online communication preferences. This policy outlines our approach to preventing and addressing spam within our services, ensuring that all communications we send or facilitate adhere to the highest standards of integrity and compliance. We strictly prohibit the use of our platforms for sending unsolicited promotional emails, bulk messages, or any form of spam that may compromise user experience or privacy. Our anti-spam measures include implementing advanced filtering technologies, conducting regular audits, and enforcing strict guidelines for email marketing and communications. We require all users and partners to adhere to these standards, and any violation may result in penalties or suspension of services. Our goal is to provide a secure and respectful environment for all our users, and we take our responsibility to combat spam seriously. By engaging with our services, you agree to comply with this policy and help us maintain the highest standards of digital communication. If you encounter any issues related to spam or have questions about our anti-spam practices, please contact us, and we will address your concerns promptly.

Definition of Spam

In our Anti-Spam Policy, we define "spam" as any unsolicited, unrequested, or undesired electronic communication, particularly in the form of bulk emails, that is sent with the intent to advertise, promote, or solicit products, services, or other commercial offers without the recipient's explicit consent. This includes messages that are sent to recipients who have not opted in to receive such communications, as well as those that are sent in a manner that circumvents or disregards established opt-in and opt-out mechanisms. Spam may also encompass messages that are deceptive or misleading, including those that use false or misleading subject lines, headers, or sender identities. Additionally, spam involves the practice of sending repetitive or irrelevant content to large numbers of recipients, often using automated tools or scripts. Our policy also considers any form of unwanted communication that disrupts, damages, or otherwise negatively impacts the user experience or the functioning of our services as spam. We are dedicated to preventing spam and ensuring that all communications sent through our platform are conducted in a respectful and compliant manner, adhering to both legal requirements and industry best practices. Any attempt to engage in spamming activities is strictly prohibited and may result in significant consequences, including suspension of access to our services and legal action if necessary.

Prohibited Activities

We outline several prohibited activities to ensure that our platform remains free from spam and other disruptive practices. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, the use of our services to send unsolicited bulk emails or messages to recipients who have not explicitly opted in to receive such communications. This encompasses the distribution of commercial advertisements, promotional content, or solicitations without prior consent. Additionally, the use of deceptive practices, such as falsifying email headers, subject lines, or sender identities to mislead recipients, is strictly forbidden. Any attempt to circumvent or bypass our anti-spam measures, including the use of automated tools or scripts to generate and send spam, is also prohibited. Engaging in the harvesting of email addresses or other contact information through illicit means, such as web scraping or phishing schemes, is not allowed. Furthermore, the use of our services to propagate malware, viruses, or other harmful software through email or other communication channels constitutes a violation of our policy. We also prohibit the use of our platform to facilitate or support spam-related activities conducted by third parties. Violations of these prohibitions may result in immediate suspension of access to our services, as well as potential legal action to protect the integrity and security of our platform. We are committed to enforcing these restrictions rigorously to maintain a trustworthy and secure environment for all users.

User Responsibilities

Under our Anti-Spam Policy, users are responsible for ensuring that their activities comply with our stringent anti-spam guidelines to foster a secure and respectful digital environment. This includes obtaining explicit consent from recipients before sending any marketing or promotional communications through our platform, ensuring that all emails and messages comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR. Users must provide clear and accurate sender information, including a legitimate physical address and a functioning opt-out mechanism in every communication. Additionally, it is imperative that users do not engage in or facilitate the sending of unsolicited bulk messages, deceptive practices, or any form of email spoofing. Users are also responsible for managing their own mailing lists to ensure they do not include addresses of individuals who have not opted in or have previously opted out of receiving communications. They must promptly honor any opt-out requests and provide a straightforward process for recipients to unsubscribe from future messages. Furthermore, users should avoid using automated tools or scripts to send messages, unless these tools adhere to our anti-spam standards. By adhering to these responsibilities, users help maintain the integrity of our platform and contribute to a positive communication experience for all. Failure to comply with these responsibilities may result in suspension or termination of services and potential legal action.

Opt-In and Opt-Out Requirements

We establish clear Opt-In and Opt-Out Requirements to ensure that all communications conducted through our platform are consensual and respectful of user preferences. The Opt-In Requirement mandates that before sending any promotional, marketing, or informational emails, users must obtain explicit consent from recipients. This consent must be documented and verifiable, and users are required to provide a clear and straightforward mechanism for individuals to voluntarily opt in to receive communications. Opt-In forms must include detailed information about the nature of the messages and the frequency of communications, ensuring that recipients are fully informed before consenting. Conversely, the Opt-Out Requirement ensures that every communication includes a prominent and accessible option for recipients to unsubscribe or opt out from receiving future messages. This opt-out mechanism must be functional and effective, allowing recipients to easily and promptly withdraw their consent without encountering unnecessary barriers. Users must honor all opt-out requests within the timeframe specified by applicable laws, typically within 10 business days, and must ensure that opted-out addresses are promptly removed from their mailing lists. Additionally, users are prohibited from sending follow-up messages to individuals who have opted out, as well as from re-subscribing individuals who have previously requested to be removed. By adhering to these requirements, we ensure that all communications are conducted in a manner that respects recipient preferences and complies with relevant legal standards, fostering a trustworthy and user-centric environment.

Monitoring and Enforcement

We emphasize the importance of robust Monitoring and Enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance and maintain the integrity of our platform. We employ a variety of sophisticated tools and techniques to monitor the use of our services and detect any activities that may violate our anti-spam guidelines. This includes real-time monitoring of email traffic, automated filters to identify and flag potential spam, and periodic audits to assess compliance with our policy. We take proactive steps to investigate any reported incidents or suspicious activities related to spam, and we thoroughly review any evidence of policy violations. In cases where violations are detected, we have established a range of enforcement actions to address and remediate the issue. These actions may include issuing warnings, suspending or terminating user accounts, and implementing stricter controls to prevent further infractions. We also collaborate with regulatory authorities and industry partners to stay informed about emerging threats and best practices in spam prevention. Our commitment to monitoring and enforcement is integral to ensuring a secure and respectful communication environment for all users, and we reserve the right to take necessary actions to uphold our anti-spam standards. If users are found to be in breach of our policy, we act swiftly and decisively to protect the interests of our community and to deter future violations.

Compliance with Regulations

We affirm our commitment to full compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards governing electronic communications and spam prevention. We adhere to key regulatory frameworks, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the India, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, and other applicable national and international laws designed to protect individuals from unsolicited and intrusive communications. These regulations mandate that we obtain explicit consent from recipients before sending commercial emails, provide clear opt-in and opt-out mechanisms, and include accurate sender information in all communications. We also ensure that our data processing and handling practices align with these legal requirements, safeguarding personal information and respecting user privacy. Our policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the regulatory landscape and to incorporate best practices in spam prevention. We work closely with legal experts and compliance professionals to stay abreast of evolving legal obligations and to ensure that our platform's operations remain compliant. By upholding these regulatory standards, we aim to foster trust and transparency, protect our users from unwanted communications, and contribute to a responsible and ethical digital ecosystem. Any breaches of these regulations, whether by our users or through our services, are addressed promptly and effectively to maintain our commitment to legal compliance and to mitigate any potential risks associated with spam and privacy violations.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

We clearly outline the consequences of non-compliance to ensure that all users understand the serious implications of violating our anti-spam standards. Non-compliance with our anti-spam policy can result in significant repercussions, including immediate suspension or termination of access to our services. Users found to be engaging in prohibited spam activities may face account deactivation and the loss of any remaining credits or services. In addition to these immediate actions, persistent or severe violations may lead to legal action, including the pursuit of damages for any harm caused by the unauthorized communications. We also reserve the right to report serious violations to relevant regulatory authorities, which may result in further legal consequences or regulatory penalties. To enforce these measures, we employ a rigorous process for investigating suspected violations, including reviewing communication logs, analyzing complaint data, and conducting thorough audits. Users who violate our anti-spam policy are held accountable for rectifying the breach and mitigating any damage caused, including addressing any harm to affected recipients. We are committed to maintaining a secure and compliant platform, and our enforcement actions are designed to protect the integrity of our services, uphold regulatory standards, and deter any future infractions. Our goal is to create a responsible digital environment where all users respect privacy and adhere to the highest standards of communication practices.

Policy Updates

We recognize the necessity of periodic updates to reflect evolving legal requirements, industry best practices, and the dynamic nature of digital communication. We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness in combating spam and maintaining a respectful communication environment. Any updates to our Anti-Spam Policy will be promptly posted on our website, with the revised policy taking effect immediately upon publication or as otherwise specified. We are committed to transparency and will clearly highlight significant changes to help users understand how these updates impact their responsibilities and the use of our services. It is the responsibility of all users to regularly review our policy to stay informed about any modifications and to ensure continued compliance with the latest guidelines. By continuing to use our services after such updates are made, users agree to abide by the revised policy terms. If you have any questions or concerns about the changes or their implications, we encourage you to contact us for clarification. Our commitment to regular policy updates is part of our broader effort to uphold the highest standards of digital communication and user protection, ensuring that our anti-spam practices remain effective and aligned with current regulations and industry standards.

Contact Information

For any questions, concerns, or requests related to our Anti-Spam Policy, we invite you to contact us through the following channels to ensure your inquiries are addressed promptly and effectively. You can reach our support team via email at, where we are available to assist with issues related to spam, compliance, and any other policy-related concerns. Alternatively, you can call us at +91 9344835560 during our business hours to speak directly with a representative who can provide immediate assistance. For more comprehensive support or to discuss specific cases, you may also use our online support portal at, where you can submit detailed queries or requests. If you prefer, you can write to us at our physical address: Rangapeta Rd, Laxmidevipally, Telangana 505529. We are dedicated to maintaining open lines of communication and are committed to resolving any issues in accordance with our Anti-Spam Policy and applicable regulations. Your feedback and concerns are important to us as we strive to ensure a secure and respectful communication environment. Whether you have questions about our policy, need assistance with compliance, or wish to report a potential spam incident, our team is here to provide the support you need to address these matters effectively.